Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Chew Guard Technology

We discovered the best toys earlier this year. They are soft and fluffy but withstand a lot more dog fun than a typical toy. A manufacturer has figured out how to make them tougher by adding a really strong liner to all the toys. The pulling strength on the toys is rated at <30>

At you can get all kinds of cute toys with the Chew Guard Technology in them. Check out these dragons! They are over 8" tall and so soft and floppy. I've heard from lots of people that this is their dog' s new favorite toy.

The latest story: a gentlemen with a little lab puppy got one because they are so cute! He didn't really expect it to last long with the destructive machine called puppy in the house. Based on prior history he let the pup have it for about 30 minutes and then put it up on a shelf because he wanted his wife to see it before it was history. After much crying and begging the dragon was removed from the shelf and returned to the pup with the expectation that the wife just missed out. Fast forward two weeks. The toy is still alive!!! It has even made it through a weekend of play with the pup and his puppy friend.

Check out the toys in the tough and tumble section on the website. There are dragons, penguins, farm animals, flying things, bears and more. All tougher than the average toy and really, really cute!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Pamper Your Dog

We are excited to be starting our new blog about Pampering Your Dog.
We will have informational topics related to dog care, useful dog products and of course items to spoil your dog. Thanks for visiting!